Agricultural businesses in Baden-Württemberg can submit applications for area- and animal-related agricultural support. Each application is checked for eligibility by the Ministry of Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection in Baden-Württemberg.The funding is associated with various area and animal-related requirements and obligations that you as the applicant must comply with. If the state office cannot clearly check compliance with these requirements, for example through satellite monitoring, and determine eligibility, you must submit relevant photo evidence via the app. For this purpose, you will receive several test orders that you must process. To do this, georeferenced photo evidence of your agricultural plots and activities must be submitted via the app.The submitted photos will then be checked by the state office. If the existing discrepancies can be clarified using the photo evidence, eligibility for funding is proven. In this case, an on-site inspection by the state office is not necessary.The use of the app and the associated provision of georeferenced photo evidence is voluntary and possible for every user.Registration in the app is carried out analogously to the profil inet application program using the company number (BNRZD) and the PIN from the HIT/ZID database